Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pregnancy Survey

Name: Caitlin Wilkins
Birthday: 04.06.87
Birth Place: Etobicoke, Canada
Height: Short, 5’2
Location: Picton, Canada

Name: Adam Davidson
Birthday: 05.10.85
Birthplace: Picton, Canada
Height: 5’11 ish
Location: Picton, Canada

Are you with the baby’s father?: Yes
If together, how long have you been together?: Just under 2 years
How did you find out you were pregnant?: a test, a friend convinced me. I had messed up cycles and thought nothing of it.
How many tests?: 1 at home, doctor confirmation after
What were your first symptoms?: sore boobs, tired a lot but the symptoms weren't enough to make me think I was pregnant
Who did you tell first?: My friend who convinced me to take the test
Who was with you when you found out?: No one
Was baby planned?: Yes, we were trying but didnt think it was going to happen without fertility drugs
When was baby conceived?: December
How far were you when you found out?: 8 weeks

What was your reaction?: Shocked! I was so happy and so scared at the same time. We had a miscarriage last March so it was scary to think it could happen again.
What was the baby’s father’s reaction?: He just smiled at me, was in a little shock and then hugged me. We are both very happy!
What was the parent’s reactions?: Everyone knew we were trying so they were all very excited to hear we were expecting again.
What was friends and family reactions?: Happy, excited, scared and over joyed!

Due date: September 14th
Do you want to know the sex?: We did
Do you know the sex?: Yes :)
If so, boy or girl?:  Beautiful boy!!!
Any names?: Rowan James Michael Davidson
Any ultrasounds?: I've had two so far.... none scheduled for the future yet.
Have you heard the heartbeat?: Yes, at every doctors appointment
Who do you think baby will look like?: Adam, I imagine him with dark hair and hazel eyes.
Will baby have any siblings?: Yes, two but one that's around all the time.
Will baby have their own room?: Yes, since we are officially moving June 15th!
What is baby’s nursery theme?: The Lion King is planned
Have you and dad felt baby move?: Yes, last night was the first time Adam felt the baby on the outside.

Who is your Midwife?: I don't have one :(
What hospital will you deliver in?: Belleville
Who will be in the delivery room?: Adam and my mom but when I actually give birth just Adam.
Will you use medication?: No set plans of any kind...
Are you scared about labor?: Slightly... makes me nervous.
Will you videotape or take pictures?: Pictures of course!
How will you react when you see baby?: To be honest there isn't any way to know.. over joyed I'm sure.
What will you say?: Rowan!

Did you have morning sickness?: Yes, and still do sometimes..
Did you have any cravings?: Not really. Nothing specific just yet..
Did you have any mood swings?: Not really..
Any complications?: I had a sore back for a long time and now my hips tend to hurt.. but it's getting better.
Have you bought anything for baby yet?: Yes, 2 outfits. Waiting till after my showers to really buy anything. Don't want doubles or too much.
When did you start to show?: I am bigger through the middle so it is taking awhile to really tell. He's growing up a storm right now though.
How long could you wear your regular clothes?: I am wearing maternity clothes but some of my regular clothes fit. I haven't gained much weight.
Are you excited?: Very!
What is your favorite thing about being pregnant?: Feeling him move
What is the worst thing about being pregnant?: Pain and the fact that I can't lift more then 10 pounds (doctors orders)
What one thing do you miss doing since being pregnant?: Having a drink!
Do you have insurance?: I live in Ontario, Canada.
How many kids do you want?: Two.
Do you talk to your baby?: All the time
Do you have stretch marks?: I have old ones but no new ones yet.
Do you still feel attractive?: Sometimes
Have you had your baby shower yet?: No
Any weird dreams?: YES!
Are you taking any classes?: Not yet.. hopefully will be looking into it soon.
Do you like kids?: Of course.
Reading anything?: I have books but I haven't opened one in awhile lol
How far along are you now?: 20 weeks! :D

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