Thursday, October 4, 2012

Family time

Yesterday Rowan turned 1 month old! Crazy how fast the time goes. He is just perfect still. Enjoying every waking moment with him and even dreaming about him in the sleeping moments. He's really enjoying spending time with us and advancing very quickly. He is starting be more aware of his surroundings. He does look around a lot and stare blankly at certain things. But that means he's getting more curious about objects and soon will be wanting to grab at them.

He is holding his head up VERY well. Not completely there yet but much more then I could ever imagine. It's wonderful watching him change. Sad that it's happening so quickly but great nonetheless.

This weekend is Thanksgiving weekend and we are planning on heading down to Kitchener to see Poppy and Gammy. They are moving also this weekend so hopefully it won't take up to much of our visiting time. We are also planning on heading to Leamington to see my Grandparents. It's planned to be a surprise. They are going to be SO excited to see there great grand son. My Grampa had hip surgery a little over a month ago and can't travel long distances in the car. So they didn't think they would manage to see Rowan till months from now. It'll be really amazing being all together. Really looking forward to it!

Things with myself have been alright. I have some postpardum issues that I have to take some medications for. The main two things are my voice and my skin on my face. I have TERRIBLE ache since having Rowan, even when I was pregnant I was getting quite a bit of it. But it's about 10 times worse now. I'm pretty sure it was breast feeding related. Ever since I have stopped pumping (which was about 6 days ago now. It seems to have been getting a little better. I was at the doctor this week and it's pretty much the first thing he noticed as he walked into the room. So now I am taking some sort of medication to help clear it up. Hopefully it'll go quickly! As far as my voice is concerned, it's been so low and raspy since being pregnant. About half way through my pregnancy it started. I had terrible heart burn so I'm afraid that acidty casued damage (which I've read online and my doctor said was possible). Taking medication for that as well... but if I don't see a change in 6-8 weeks I will have to get tests done to determine if it can be fixed or if it's permanent. I pray it's not.

That's all my news this week. Will try posting at least a couple times a week as I'm off with Rowan this whole year. Lot's of things to report I'm sure :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Rowan is here!

I haven't blogged for quite some time now. It's crazy how fast time went by and how much my thoughts were somewhere else. I haven't even thought about blogging or think about it. Time just flew by!

I'll fill you in with my birth story. It definitely didn't go as I thought it would. But Rowan is here and healthy which is all that matters. It all started with my blood pressure. Around week 36, my blood pressure was high. I was sent to the hospital for monitoring to make sure I didn't have preclampsia. For the next two weeks, I was in and out of the hospital being monitored. It was a long 2 weeks. Finally, my doctor decided it was time to induce. Which I was completely okay with since it was hard going back and forth to the hospital and the last thing I wanted was more complications. To me, it was safer if Rowan was out then in.

On August 30th, I was in the hospital to get a catheter in to start dialating me because in the morning of the 31st they were going to break my water and start me on pitocin. I had to spend the night on the 30th to make sure everything was going smoothly. I started getting contractions which were in my back and hurt quite a bit. I was given morphine to help with the pain and let me get some sleep. It worked for the most part. In the morning, I woke up and everyone started to show up. I was waiting for my doctor to come in to get things started. A few hours later he shows up with some awful news. They cannot proceed with the induction because there aren't enough nurses. It was the long weekend so of course they were under staffed. It completely broke me heart. Not that I wasn't going to have Rowan that day but because everyone had changed their work schedules to be at the hospital for the birth. I just felt so bad that it worked out this way.

So I was sent home but I was already 4cm and fully e-faced. I knew that my weekend was going to be filled with trying to get myself into labour naturally. My Dad and Step Mom were here and we did A LOT of walking. Unfortunately it didn't work. On the Sunday I had to go back to the hospital for more monitoring. Once I was there my blood pressure of course was high yet again. While the nurses were reviewing me it didn't sound like they were going to keep me. Luckily the doctor on call assessed me and decided to keep me. Right then he broke my water and immediately started me on pitocin. It took a long time for me to really start to feel the contractions. I got the epidural about 7 hours after they broke me water, although I didn't think I needed it yet cause the pain wasnt bad. I thought I better get it before it did get bad. May have not been the best idea though. I was not progressing in dialation very quickly. For the longest time I was only 3-4cm. At about the 10 hour mark my nurse was decussing the possibilty of having to have a c-section. It didn't seem like I was going to be progressing very quickly or anytime soon. We also knew that Rowan's was "sunny side up". Meaning his face was facing my belly button. Restricting his ability to pass down through the birth connel. This would make delievery extremely difficult and painful.

The doctor came back about an hour later to assess me again and I had progressed to 7cm. We figured since I jumped so quickly in dialation that I still had a chance to deliever Rowan vaginally. For the next few hours I was in so much pain with contractions that it felt like my epidural was not working anymore. My contractions were only seconds apart and I was not getting past 8-9cm. I was so exhausted that a vaginal delievery would have been impossible for me. I had to call it quits. I had to say I wanted a c-section. I knew there was something not right. Immediately they called the doctor and told him my wishes. All the c-section specialist were called in. About an hour and half later we were ready to get going. They wheeled me in and gave me a spinal. I could not stop shaking. It was the worst feeling I have ever felt. The doctor had quite a hard time getting Rowan out because he was so low. When they pulled him from me it took a really long time for him to make any noise. They immediately called specialist to have him looked at because something was wrong with him. When he did start to cry it was a horrible sounding cry. I knew something wasn't right.

It turned out that the cord was wrapped around his neck twice. So a vaginal delievery would have been very dangerous if I had gone through with it. Also, he was under a lot of stress from such a long labour but yet didn't show any signs of it on monitors. He had breathing issues and needed to be hooked up to machines for a few days. I didn't get to see him for over 8 hours! After my time in the recovery room they wheeled me to my new room but before doing so they were supposed to take to down to see him. My nurse, unfortunately did not do this. I couldn't see him to the 2pm and he was born at 5:44am. I was so upset. I didn't even see pictures of him because I wanted to see him face to face for the first time first. Once I did it was the most amazing thing. I couldn't believe he was mine.

It was such an overwhelming moment for me. I loved him and missed him so much all at once. He is here and hes perfect. Couldn't be more happier and excited to have him join our lives. Such a precious and sweet little man.

Rowan James Michael
Born: September 3rd, 2012
Time: 5:44am
Weight: 8 pounds 3oz.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Moving weekend (June 15th)

I haven't had anytime to write a blog post about our move but I have a bit of time to get to it now. It turned out great! We are nicely settled in now and finishing up some of the last minute touches. Rowan's room still needs a lot of TLC but my Dad and Step mom are coming back down this coming weekend to get started on it. Everyone is pretty excited for the end result. We are super happy to be in our new place and it's working out really well so far. Abby has met a couple of the girls that live on our street and seems to be really starting to enjoy herself. I couldn't be happier for her and it'll be REALLY good for her to get out of the house and spend time with other kids.

The weekend was hot and everyone did a great job getting it done. Even my Dad's faithful puppers.

Riley worked so hard he just needed to crash wherever he could! 

Gizmo knew his cuteness over ruled any work that still needed to be done!

After getting all settled in we all needed a good rest and decided to enjoy the front porch. My Dad, Step mom Tam and brother Justin.

So thankful to have everyone's love and support while getting us into our place. Thank you!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

26 weeks pregnant!

We had a great weekend with Amanda, Peter and Peter Liam visiting from Windsor. Got to see my little man that I haven't seen since he was three months old! He's now 8 months old and the most precious little boy I've ever met. He's sooo good.

This week I am officially out of training at work and onto the phones. Starting tomorrow to be exact! I'm so nervous. I really hope things go well. I don't want to feel to stressed and it effect baby Rowan.

Also this weekend we MOVE! I'm super excited and can't wait. Luckily I have friday off and my dad, step mom and brother are all visiting to help out. I haven't seen them since march break week.

Today I had my OBGYN appointment. Turns out all the ultrasounds came back good. No need for another and Rowan's heart beat was strong. I don't see the doctor again till July 10th and before then I have to get my glucose screening done. That I plan to do next week.

Lots of things happening this week!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

25 weeks pregnant!

I'm enjoying my pregnant belly so much! All I want to do is walk around and show it off. I love everything about being pregnant. Bad things and all (like swelling in my feet!) I just love it.

This past weekend I took a trip with my mom to Kingston. Spent a wack load of money on some well deserved maternity clothes. I must say I did spend to much but I am definitely prepared to have a great and comfortable summer! I needed some decent clothes to wear to work so it was important to me. Also I'm sure to everyone else around me having to deal with whatever I dish out emotion wise.

Well I'm 25 weeks this week and my bump is just huge! At least I think it is but I've got a long way to go yet!

Week 25

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Playing a bit of catch up!

I have been so busy lately I haven't made the time to add any new pictures of my growing belly or any posts about what's been going on lately. For starters, the training for my new job is going well. It starts at 7am! I must say it is so hard getting up at 5am and on top of that it's even harder getting up with an 8 year old at 5am! I also have to travel 45 minutes to get to work every day. It makes for a long day.

Other then all that things are good with Rowan. He hasn't been as active as he was a couple of weeks ago but he has his moments. I enjoy more then anything when he moves and kicks. My belly moves and you can see every time he kicks. I hope to video record it sometime soon!

I missed week 23 so here is the pic!

I missed week 24 so here is the pic!

I also had an ultrasound last week on Thursday when I was 23 weeks 6 days pregnant. It was an extremely disappointing ultrasound as I barely got to see him and the screen was so unclear. We decided since we didn't get to see him that good, we are going to go for a 3D ultrasound. Not sure when but definitely soon. I have to go before I'm 30 weeks.

Here is an ultrasound pic from Thursday!

I will try and post more often but seeing as right now we are so busy with work, Abby and packing it may take me some time to get around it.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

New job, busy week and swollen feet!

This week has been pretty crazy. I started a new full time job and have to be in Belleville at 7am. It's rough with an 8 year old in the mornings and getting her off to where she needs to be. I'm just exhausted.

All this excitement has started the swelling in my feet and ankles. They are huge! I really wish it didn't start being they hurt so bad. On Tuesday, I had a doctors appointment and had to go to the hospital for an ultrasound to check if there was a blood clot in my left leg. Thankfully no blood clot was found. I thought being able to sit all day at my new job would help with the swelling but it only seem to make it worse. I have to keep them elevated as much as possible in order for the swelling to decrease.

Hopefully within the next couple of weeks they will get better.

Also at the doctors this week, I was told I have to go back for another ultrasound. It's not a bad thing he reassured me. But they want to double check the measurements of his legs. At least I get to see him again :D

I can't wait to meet my little man!

Here's a picture of my feet.

Week 22

So I haven't posted in awhile but here is week 22. I took the photo on Monday but haven't had time to post it. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Business of Being Born

So I recently discovered the movie of "The Business of Being Born". It's a documentary about women and the choices you have when giving birth. We don't realize how much we have a say in our birth experience.

It provided me with an open eye view of what to expect during labour and how we all have choices to make. What I didn't realize is that intervention isn't necessary most of the time when you give birth at the hospital and satisically 1 in 3 births are now done via CS. This scares the crap out of me. I do not want a CS and I'm leaning more towards a natural birth. It seems painful, difficult and overwhelming but that end results would provide me with something I would never get anywhere else. I think it's a must see for all pregnant women and women planning on getting pregnant. This is information we need to know.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Im a Pinner!

I've been putting off joining Pinterest for quite some time now. I never really understood the idea and why people did it until yesterday. I must say I am in love. You can definitely get distracted easily and it's an extremely useful way to by pass time but it's also extremely unimportant. Needless to say, I'm still a fan and will continue to pin-on!

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